N/A (2012)

South Sudanese Military Budget

See the chart below for a yearly breakdown of military spending in South Sudan. (2001 to 2012)

Military Spending in South Sudan

Our latest data shows that South Sudan spent $612,000,000 on their military in 2012 which amounted to 8.4% of the country's GDP that year. Check out the chart below for more South Sudanese military budget data. We can only publish the past 12 years, but SIPRI has data as far back as 1988 on their site.

Total Spent: $2,395,000,000 (Last 12 years)

Year Dollars Spent % GDP
2001 no data N/A
2002 no data N/A
2003 no data N/A
2004 no data N/A
2005 no data N/A
2006 no data N/A
Year Dollars Spent % GDP
2007 no data N/A
2008 no data N/A
2009 no data N/A
2010 $736,000,000 4.5%
2011 $1,047,000,000 6.0%
2012 $612,000,000 8.4%

Note on Data: Constant (2011) US Dollars are used. For more information about this data visit SIPRI.org.

SIPRI Footnote: South Sudan became independent from Sudan on July 9th 2011. Under the terms of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005, southern Sudan was governed by the autonomous Government of Southern Sudan within the Sudanese state pending a referendum on final status in 2011. Figures for South Sudan prior to 2011 refer to the military spending of the Government of Southern Sudan on the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA). South Sudan changed currency upon independence from the Sudanese Pound to a new currency, the South Sudanese Pound, at a rate of 1 for 1. Conversion to the new currency therefore does not affect the figures.

Other Countries in the Region

Slovenian Flag Slovenia
$562 Million (2012)
Panamanian Flag Panama
No Data (2012)
Argentine Flag Argentina
$4,356 Million (2012)
Moldovan Flag Moldova
$22 Million (2012)
Belizean Flag Belize
$15 Million (2012)
Bahraini Flag Bahrain
$924 Million (2012)
Malian Flag Mali
$153 Million (2012)
Basotho Flag Lesotho
$51 Million (2012)

South Sudan's Military Branches

Sudan People's Liberation Army.

Military Service Age in South Sudan

18 is the legal minimum age for compulsory and voluntary military service; the Government of South Sudan signed a revised action plan with the UN in March 2012 to demobilize all child soldiers within the SPLA; UNICEF reported 250 confirmed cases of the SPLA's association with children at the end of 2012.