N/A (2012)

Portuguese Military Budget

See the chart below for a yearly breakdown of military spending in Portugal. (2001 to 2012)

Military Spending in Portugal

Our latest data shows that Portugal spent $3,980,000,000 on their military in 2012 which amounted to 1.8% of the country's GDP that year. Check out the chart below for more Portuguese military budget data. We can only publish the past 12 years, but SIPRI has data as far back as 1988 on their site.

Total Spent: $57,520,000,000 (Last 12 years)

Year Dollars Spent % GDP
2001 $4,568,000,000 1.9%
2002 $4,697,000,000 2.0%
2003 $4,532,000,000 1.9%
2004 $4,813,000,000 2.0%
2005 $5,102,000,000 2.1%
2006 $4,957,000,000 2.0%
Year Dollars Spent % GDP
2007 $4,744,000,000 1.9%
2008 $4,762,000,000 1.9%
2009 $5,205,000,000 2.1%
2010 $5,294,000,000 2.1%
2011 $4,866,000,000 2.0%
2012 $3,980,000,000 1.8%

Note on Data: Constant (2011) US Dollars are used. For more information about this data visit SIPRI.org.

Other Countries in the Region

Montenegrin Flag Montenegro
$83 Million (2012)
Hungarian Flag Hungary
$1,100 Million (2012)
French Flag France
$62,582 Million (2012)
Turkish Flag Turkey
$17,906 Million (2012)
Austrian Flag Austria
$3,411 Million (2012)
Finnish Flag Finland
$3,856 Million (2012)
German Flag Germany
$48,617 Million (2012)
British Flag United Kingdom
$59,795 Million (2012)

Portugal's Military Branches

Portuguese Army (Exercito Portuguesa), Portuguese Navy (Marinha Portuguesa; includes Marine Corps), Portuguese Air Force (Forca Aerea Portuguesa, FAP).

Military Service Age in Portugal

18-30 years of age for voluntary military service; no compulsory military service, but conscription possible if insufficient volunteers available; women serve in the armed forces, on naval ships since 1993, but are prohibited from serving in some combatant specialties; reserve obligation to age 35.