N/A (2012)

Syrian Military Budget

See the chart below for a yearly breakdown of military spending in Syria. (2001 to 2012)

Military Spending in Syria

Our data source (SIPRI) does not have a figure for Syria's military budget in 2012, but the chart below contains the available military spending data from the past 12 years. If you want to learn more about Syrian military spending, check out SIPRI.org which has data as far back as 1988, including dollars spent and percentage of GDP.

Total Spent: $24,492,000,000 (Last 12 years)

Year Dollars Spent % GDP
2001 $1,951,000,000 5.5%
2002 $2,025,000,000 5.4%
2003 $2,322,000,000 6.2%
2004 $2,326,000,000 5.5%
2005 $2,339,000,000 5.0%
2006 $2,104,000,000 4.4%
Year Dollars Spent % GDP
2007 $2,236,000,000 4.1%
2008 $2,027,000,000 3.6%
2009 $2,301,000,000 4.0%
2010 $2,366,000,000 4.1%
2011 $2,495,000,000 N/A
2012 no data N/A

Note on Data: Constant (2011) US Dollars are used. For more information about this data visit SIPRI.org.

SIPRI Footnote: The figures for Syria in US dollars have been converted from local currency using the market exchange rate for the base year of 2011 of 1 dollar = 48.215 syrian pounds. Previously, Syria operated an official exchange rate of 1 dollar = 11.225 Syrian pounds, which was used in previous SIPRI Yearbooks. Syria abolished the official rate in 2007, moving to the parallel market rate that had previously operated unofficially.

Other Countries in the Region

Syrian Flag Syria
No Data (2012)
Iraqi Flag Iraq
$5,693 Million (2012)
Emirati Flag UAE
No Data (2012)
Bahraini Flag Bahrain
$924 Million (2012)
Tajikistani Flag Tajikistan
No Data (2012)
Israeli Flag Israel
$15,536 Million (2012)
Omani Flag Oman
$6,489 Million (2012)
Kuwaiti Flag Kuwait
$5,945 Million (2012)

Syria's Military Branches

Syrian Arab Army, Syrian Arab Navy, Syrian Arab Air and Air Defense Forces (includes Air Defense Command).

Military Service Age in Syria

18 years of age for compulsory and voluntary military service; conscript service obligation is 18 months; women are not conscripted but may volunteer to serve; re-enlistment obligation 5 years, with retirement after 15 years or age 40 (enlisted) or 20 years or age 45 (NCOs).